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Ours is a radical container, and by radical, we mean getting to the root or to the essence of what wants to be seen, acknowledged, and spoken.


Radical Inclusivity 

At Somatic Writing, we believe that the future is not only female, it's also male and non binary. 
It's trans, it's also black, brown, and Indigenous. 

We need new stories to reflect the shifting culture. As we heal, as we retrieve our power individually and collectively, a swelling sea of voices are emerging that have been marginalized, exiled, or oppressed in the past.

At Somatic Writing, we stand for both inner and outer diversity, allowing writing our books to be a liberatory practice. As we write our stories, we evolve ourselves into a new story. 

Radical Integrity 

As more and more writing businesses and healing incubators spring up online, we understand and have seen many practitioners get caught up in marketing and stop showing up in a depth-based way for clients. We have also seen incubators where the energetics of the founder are out of integrity, which compromises the safety of what should be sacred space. 

To create artistic, poetic, sacred, safe, and story-centered exploratory space, we are committed to radical integrity in all of our practitioners. They are depth-based, long-term accomplished editors, authors, story coaches, phenomenological healers, and somatic healers. With Tanya leading the team, we stand for what it actually takes to help you write a book to change the world.


Grassroots Team Culture 

Though we are a global business, our roots are as a small team. Tanya has personal relationships and has collaborated, partnered, and worked with everyone on the team from anywhere from two to twenty-two years. We believe that all online businesses should have a depth of relationship, even when team members are located far away. 

We have a team culture that is client-centered, creativity-centered, and healing-centered. We practice these values in relationship to one another on the team. 

Anti-Racism - Abolition   

At Somatic Writing we have a commitment to anti-racism, and beyond that, abolition. 


We believe in radical and complete freedom for all bodies and hearts to fulfill their divine design. To arrive at a world where that is not only possible, but actualized, we commit as individuals and as a team to working consistently to decolonize our thoughts, our beliefs, and our bodies. 


Only through a continuous embodiment practice of these values will we write the world we're longing to live in. We are just beginning and have a long way to go. We commit to transparency, uncomfortable conversations, and openness as a team—and as a culture— as we continue to learn together. 



Radical Accountability 

You are offered surround-sound in this program with group work, individual work, retreat days, powerful curriculum, and an all-inclusive process to take you all the way from opening up your voice to publishing your book. It’s your responsibility to step into the opportunity. The degree to which you show up and commit to the work, will determine the outcome.

We bring highly gifted, empathetic, brilliant story coaches, published authors, editors, and story coaching mastery in service to your book. We expect that you are on the journey of elevating your leadership as you write, heal and publish your book.

We Value Community 

We believe in circle style leadership and the importance of community. We believe in the power of writing, of storytelling, of circles of humans coming together and listening to each other's most intimate and vulnerable and small stories to make the biggest change in the global culture.

The patriarchal, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps model would have us believe that we are only valuable as lone wolves, proving our worth through our ability to dominate and rise to the top. We believe in rising together, supporting each other, and the beauty and power of an interconnected group of people, changing the culture with their work and cheering one another on while doing it.


We stand for mystics, healers, and those who travel a deep soul path to become fully themselves. We stand for the storytellers, mythmakers, and visionaries who are connecting the stories of the Ancients to the stories of the future. 
We believe in the future. We believe that by getting fully aligned and activated with all the aspects of ourselves and our stories, we can literally change the narratives that are dominating the planet. 
We believe in the human spirit, the spirit of the ancestors, and the spirit of the land. We believe in the love of all things in our cosmos, in all galaxies in the universe that are standing with us to shift the narratives of humanity. We believe the best way to change the future is by changing our stories, not only the stories and how we tell them, not only the story that we make as we publish and write our books, but the stories of how we view ourselves, from the embodiment in which we live. 

We Value the Power of Stories to Change the Future
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