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Tanya Taylor Rubinstein

Founder & Director

Tanya Taylor Rubinstein developed Somatic Writing as a way for her students to become embodied writers. By holistically retrieving voice, untethering power and writing stories, they are able experience profound personal connection to their work.

By writing and publishing their memoirs and performing their solo shows they become positioned as leaders to evolve the culture.

This process and practice is the thirty year synthesis of her work as a narrative based master teacher.

She has worked with well over a thousand people over the last twenty one years to write memoirs, monologues and solo shows.

In 2000 Tanya created The Cancer Monologue Project, a series of workshops and performances supporting individuals and family members in sharing stories onstage of their personal experiences with cancer. The project became a cultural phenomenon and became a book that was featured in "O" Magazine where Tanya’s story healing process was called a “gift and a necessity.” She received several organizational grants to tour this project to cancer centers, hospitals, Gilda’s Clubs, Wellness Communities, and hospices, nationwide.

In 2006, after 40+ productions of monologue shows, in major cities in the U.S. Tanya shifted away from the therapeutic modality and returned to her roots in theater. This time, her artistic expression manifested through the lens of teacher and theater director of solo performance. Her Santa Fe year long classes spawned dozens of full-length solo shows many of which were performed Off-Broadway and at theater festivals internationally. Her unique approach to solo performance has been written about in Backstage and Broadway World.

In 2011 Tanya partnered with author Candace Walsh to begin teaching memoir. Her writing clients have been published by MacAdam Cage, St. Martins and Harpers San Francisco, among others.

For the past fifteen years, Tanya has been a speaker and teacher at Consciousness and Writing Conferences including: Black Mesa with Natalie Goldberg, Julia Cameron, Theo Pauline Nestor and Candace Walsh; Bird by Bird and Beyond with Anne Lamott and Bioneers.

It's important to note her personal, thirty year healing process has included shamanic journeying, seven years of Radix, a body centered psychotherapy, Jungian psychotherapy, homeopathy, archetypal dreamwork and Ancestral Family Constellation work. All of these practices have influenced Somatic Writing.

Her life's work is to help soul centered leaders of all kinds write and publish their intimate, raw and tender stories in service to a new culture steeped in a connection to the sacred, the ancestors and the body.

Name: Tanya Taylor Rubinstein

Pronouns: She/ her/ hers

Home: I live on the colonized, unceded traditional land of the Cherokee, Shawnee, and Yuchi peoples in so-called east Nashville, Tennessee. For 30 years before, I lived on stolen Tewa traditional land in so-called northern New Mexico.

Family: Married to Cidny Bullens, musician. One daughter, Chloe Grace.

Meyers Briggs: INFJ

Astrology: Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Rising

Human Design: Manifestor

Education: Acting Departments: at Carnegie- Mellon University, Emerson College, HB Studio with the late, Bill Hickey

Political Views: Intersectional Feminist

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