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Somatic Writing

is a dynamic, body-centered creative process to support you in writing your book at the nexus of story, art and consciousness.

Your Soul Has Been Longing to Write a Memoir

The Somatic Memoir Lab is here to help you finally write it.

Dear Visionary,

I see you. You’ve done amazing things in the world.

You are a leader, an artist, a change maker

You are a born teacher - and you’ve used it for good. 

You fought hard for your good fortune - and you made it.

You have deep friendships, a loving family and an honest relationship with yourself and others. 

You have the health, joy and success you longed for. Experiences that blew your mind.

Yet, there’s a creative part of you that you haven’t expressed.

The storyteller. The poet. The artist. The mystic. The healer

She remains hidden away. 

The truth is: it never felt safe for you to express her genius - to unleash her wild, creative soul

Even with all the privileges that come with success - you felt marginalized your entire life. 

Marginalized for your sensitivity, your brilliance, your intuition.

Marginalized for having a soul that shines a little too bright. 

Marginalized for your fiery heart, expansive vision, childlike tenderness.

You always knew you were different. 

You felt more deeply.

You knew things - without knowing how you know them. 

You got consumed by topics that interested you - and you couldn’t stop yourself from going deeper and deeper. 

You felt like you were “too much” for the world - yet “not enough” for what your soul longs to create in this world. 

I see you. I feel you. I am you. 

And I also know - there’s a story within you. 

A story only you can tell.

A story that is as ancient as time itself - longing to be expressed in a new way. 

A story that truly matters - for people, for culture, for the world. 

It’s my life’s mission

to help you write that story.

"There is no story in human experience that is too terrible to be written or spoken. No matter how extreme, there is no story that, when met with complete support and radical acceptance, cannot be transmuted.


In writing and sharing our broken stories of wholeness, we can connect with who we are at a core level, heal ourselves and our ancestral lineages, and find ways to offer hope and possibilities to this traumatized world.


From this movement of the individual and collective soul, integration of embodied trauma into embodied power, we can re-envision the world as we quite literally write and speak ourselves into new paradigms."

- Tanya Taylor Rubinstein, Founder of Somatic Writing


Story Liberation


Re-Storying the Culture


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“Tanya has been the ancient midwife of my story. She cradled me, wept with me, sang me through my grief, coaxed my words, and gently guided me to the courage to birth my voice. She once said to me, ‘I can’t promise you safety here.’ In its place, she supported me in the ultimate radical soul liberation - the telling of my story.”

Melissa Kaplan

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